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更新时间:2021-03-29  作者:琥珀沐
位面旅者的退休生活 分享一篇从外网上看到的文章,自己翻译了一下分享给大家
The Ants 蚂蚁

by Exurb1a

It so happened that I was sat in the sun with a book,and just as I was about to nod off,a little voice called out:


“Excuse me,what is this for?“


A small ant had crawled across the page of my book, and was now sat staring up at me.


“What?“I said.


“Excuse me,“ the ant said,“what is this for?“


“What is what for?“ I said.


“This great black-and-white expanse I'm standing on right now,“ it tapped the book with a little black leg.


“Look,“ I said,“you wouldn't understand even if I explained it to you.“


“That might be so,“ the ant said,“but though I am very small, I am also very curious,and I don't want to turn to dust having known nothing at all. So, if you would, please – what is this for?“


He stood up on his two back legs, eagerly awaiting my answer, and his antennae stood to attention most respectfully.


I said:*Sigh*“It's like this: you're standing on a page. Pages are made from trees. We put lots ofthem together and call it a book.“


“What is a book for, then?“ the ant said.


“Well, it stores thoughts,“ I said.


“That way, we can transmit them to other people very far away.“


“How?“ the ant said.


“Now, look, this isn't the time or place,“ I said, a little too firmly.


The ant bowed his tiny head, and his antennae wilted.


I said softly:“Look, you see those little black squiggles – excuse me; to you, very big black squiggles about you on the page?“


The ant nodded.


“Those are words and numbers.“


“They don't look like words and numbers,“ the ant said.


“They represent them,“ I said.


“Hmm,“ the ant said, and thought about this a while.


I said:“Do you understand?“


The ant said:“Not really. You were right. It's beyond me. But though I'll never be as clever as you animals, I'm at least a little cleverer than I was a moment ago. So thank you for that.“


“You're welcome“, I said.


“Well, good luck on being a thing in the world,“ the ant said.


“Good luck to you, too,“ I said.


The little ant made off on his way and disappeared into the grass.


I read to the end of my page, but could not forget the little ant.


Eventually, I looked up from the book – to the trees, to the mountain, to the sky. The moon was climbing up for evening, birds were migrating in the distance.


I called out:“Excuse me, what is this for?“


“What?“ came a booming voice above.


“This great green-and-blue sphere I'm standing on right now,“ I patted the ground with my foot,“What is all this for?“


“Look,“ the voice said,“you wouldn't understand even if I explained it to you.“


“That might be so,“ I shouted,“but though I am very small, I am also very curious,and I don't want to turn to dust having known nothing at all. So, if you would, please – what is all this for?“


And the voice said:*Sigh*


“It's like this...“

“好吧,是这样的......”位面旅者的退休生活 分享一篇从外网上看到的文章,自己翻译了一下分享给大家

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